I'll begin with the Favorite Things Swap that Kelly sponsored. I sent Kara Jayne my favorite treats, skin product, little cards, book, etc. I received from her a book, gum and mints, note cards, flip flops, a great cd of her favorite songs (which I like too!), lotion, etc. When she wrote to me asking my shoe size, I could not figure that out ~what the heck??? Thanks Kara!
Everywhere we went on our trip to Montana, I kept forgetting my camera, but I did get this picture on our trip. Just before West Yellowstone, there are some fresh water springs called Howard Springs. Brett is standing in the middle of it. The water is so good and so so so cold. I didn't have a cup, so I used my hand and it froze! This little spot is just 40 minutes north of the little town where I grew up. On our return trip south from Big Sky, Mt., we stopped in Ashton to eat and visit my sixth grade teacher. She is 91 years old. We had a nice trip to Montana, in spite of Brett having strep throat and there being 9 inches of snow up at Big Sky.

End of June at our house means Raspberries~Raspberries~Raspberries! First picking~~~
Mr. Anonymous brought me these this week~ OOO love love love the pink. Wouldn't a pink and white quilt be great, like this one that Stephanie made?
The quilt block you see is for Mary at quilt group. It was her month for the friendship block quilt. She provided us with the flowered material, I added the background fabric. It was to be a 12 inch block of our choosing, as she will make a sampler quilt. I got my block and instructions from Crazy Mom Quilts in her quilt along from last year. I love the flowered fabric, the picture doesn't do it justice. This month I am hosting quilt group in my home. I haven't decide what we will do for the meeting. Does anyone have any great idea suggestions? We can plan anything we want when hosting, from a guest speaker to a project to a service project.
Kitchen Addiction suggested this yummy cookie recipe, so I had to try it. I struggled getting enough lemon flavor in the top spread. Youngest running partner turned 45, so I treated her to these Deep Dark Chocolate lemon morsels for her birthday.
The little flag should have been

I hope I run onto them eventually. Can you guess where they go on the little flimsy? Maybe I should put 13 on--when I do find them...that was a clue. This was our quilt group project in June.
I want to post a photo of the quilt I took to the family reunion to be tied. It is real pretty. I did it in all greens because I have always had a lot of green in my stash. I will show it when it is bound.
I've been enjoying all you ladies' red, white and blue quilts and recent projects. Keep up the good work and thanks for coming back to my blog after a long dry spell.
Take Care.
~D Spack~
So glad to have you back Diane. You have been busy. Your trip to Montana sounds like you had a wonderful time. I would love to see some former teachers of mine. The table cloth is pretty and the raspberries yummy. I just planted some bushes a couple of years ago but haven't really gotten any raspberries off them yet.
Your letter to Blackberry boy is funny. The buttons are still in your purse, and you should get two more so it looks like Betsy Ross's flag.
Oh my gosh Diane, there is like 10 posts packed into 1. Good for you. Everything is so fun to look at. You've been busy. The table cloth is so darling.
I have the same quilt you have on your kitchen table. I also bought the kit, I think at Mormon Handicraft when it was up by "This is The Place Park". Welcome home. Your trip sounds wonderful. --Nedra @cactus needle
I miss raspberries! I wonder if I can grow them in AZ? But how would I get some starts from you all the way down here? I'm not sure they will let me carry them onto the plane!
I really enjoyed browsing your blog and seeing your wonderful quilts, stitcheries, and snippets of your everyday life.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
loving the swap pictures. looks like fun!
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