My story: Over Christmas while attending church, in class with college daughters, the instructor mentioned blogging, its growth and popularity. Her concluding statement was, "how great a thing blodging can be." On the back row, flanked by those two cute girls, wondering if I/we heard right...? covert glances left and right ~~left us struggling to stifle our mirth. "Blodging" quickly became the joke of our holidays. {Due to the confusion my brother suggested that blodging is a lodge for bloggers.}
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Spring Break in Arizona and a Giveaway!!!
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That is so funny. I would NEVER be able to stifle my laugh. I would be howling. I love the joke you made from it.
Your give-away is DARLING!!! Yes enter me! Thanks Diane.
what a precious idea! What can I say about my wonderful mum and best friend, apart from the best influence on my life in every way....a creative inspiration and spiritual encourager.... i love her and will miss her as she has left today for a 7 week round the world jolly! I hope I can be as inspirational to my two little ladies.
Your blog is lovely, must, must start one too, please enter me in your cute give away
lots of love from southern england x
I was sent here from Nanette's blog - so glad to be here!
Mother/daughter story...hmmm...well I learnt to quilt from my mother as I watched her do simple tied quilts for babies as I grew up. Now that I have been quilting as an adult for about 15 years I have been honored to teach my Mum all sorts of new ways to quilt! I'm just sad that she lives many oceans away from me. But we still swap quilting photos and tips :) Thanks for making me think about my Mum today!
i am tickled to death to see the 'i love your blog' award displayed! i made it to give to nanette and a couple others and asked them to pass it on...i'm so glad nanette chose you!
about my mom...a breast cancer survivor and truly a great friend of mine...we haven't always been so close, but i am so thankful that as we got older, we were able to put any differences aside and become true is just too darn short...
please enter me into your give-away! have a great time in az...t
I too followed from Nanette's and now have you added to my feeds. Hmm mother/daughter story...I don't think I can come up with just one, but will say that's it's terribly hard to live on the opposite side of the world from both my mum and my daughter (and son). Makes me cherrish the time I had with them more and more. Thanks for the lovely giveaway, please include my name in the draw.
Dianne, How do you like Arizona? If you go to any good quilt shops in the area you better let me know. I hear the weather has been great. I hope it keeps up for you.
Hmmm, I'm trying to think of just 1 story about my mom. She is the most amazing woman I know. She lives her life with charity and unconditional love. Once I moved away, we started getting to actually know each other. She is my best friend in the world. We talk at least once a day. If a day goes by without talking, we both go through withdrawals. We live far apart but the wonders of technology (cell phones, digital cameras and the internet) it doesn't seem nearly as far. We are even making 2 quilts together while we live 3000 miles apart. What a nice way to get to know everyone! I replied to your e-mail but you take an e-mail break til you get home. Have a wonderful time. Love Stacy
I would love to enter. My daughter Kori declared at the age of 5 that she would have 20 quilts before she got married and some how she managed to wrangle that many out of me over the years! My favorite story about my daughter was when she was 4 and had to have her tonsils out. She was so excited. They put her on a guerney to wheel her into the operating room and she got up on her knees and with her big booming voice decalred "I'm off on an adventure". That says everything about her spirit and it has been a family saying ever since!
I would love to win so I'll keep my fingers crossed.
Blodging! I like that!
My Mom has always been one to mix up words, or make up completely new ones! One day, while we were working together, she looked up and said "frig". We don't know what she was trying to say...because we all started teasing, and laughing. It is a permanent word in our vocab whenever we can't think of what to say!
Please enter me in your drawing. I found you through Nannette's blog also. I have 3 daughters. The oldest loves crafts just like me. The second one is just like me and almost my shadow. The third daughter and I were never close. I was so sad when she moved out because I thought I had lost her for good. Then her son was born and she asked me to come help out for a week. That was the best thing that could have ever happened. Now we are very close. She calls me 3 or 4 times a week.
What cute stories! OK Here goes one...
My Mom is originally from Quebec, Canada and she didn't know any English when she married my Dad and moved to MA in 1948. You wouldn't be able to tell that now except that every once in awhile she'll get her expressions mixed up! For example, whenever she wants to warn us to work hard and be competitive in life she will sigh and say "You know.... it's a doggy, doggy world out there!" My sister and I always crack up because Mom is so serious when she says it!
I hope you and your family are having a wonderful time here on the Surface of the Sun!!! :-)
Just discovered your blog. I guess my mother/daughter story have to be this one:
When I was about four or five I was sitting under my mothers sewingtable. She was working on a logcabinquilt (so I'm told) and I was a bit envious on her sewing. I wanted to sew too. So I found a beautiful fabric, a scissor and went back under the sewingtable and startet to cut pieces from the red and white dotted fabric. Guess what I have found. My mothers newest blouse that she had not used yet. I guess this was the start of my quilting life :)
I love your blog and am happy to have found it!
My story is about my daughter and the time she was 1st taking her FACS (Family and Consumer Sciences)class, or as we used to know it as Home Economics. She informed me that she was supposed to purchase some fabric for an apron that they would be making. She said we had to go to Wal-Mart to purchase it. I nearly fell over, since not only do I teach and work at the Local Quilt Shop, but I have quite an extensive stash. I told her that we would not be going to Wal-Mart. She had to first search through my stash and if she did not find anything that we would then go to the quilt shop. Well, she found some beautiful novelty fabric with all kinds of Mexican food, in my stash. She took that to school and the teacher raved about her fabric that it was the best she had seen!! She created the apron and received an A+. The teacher said she was a natural!! Moral of the story, Momma knows best and loves daughter to pieces!
What a cute website you have. I was sent to yours by my sister Nanette Merrill. Thought I would enter. Since our mom has passed away and I am older than Nanette I look up to her and her quilting talents and blogging funness. I am trying to learn from her. She is the best sister so giving of her time and talents to me and my family I love her.
Fun to read about your adventures in the southwest. Our spring break took us to Calif where we of course also had to undulge in In n Out dining numerous times.
My mother is my hero-a woman who not only adopted 12 children, but also taught me to welcome all who entered our home. I realize more each day that so much of who I am is because of her graceful influence and example. Her works more than her words spoke volumes to us all.
btw, her mix-up word was saying chester drawers and didn't find out until late in life that it was really chest of drawers. We still say chester drawers though.
thanks Diane.
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