...wondering why I started a no sugar diet yesterday!!!??? Why does Cadbury have to make those mini eggs so darn good? AND pastel jr. mints~oh so good. I hope by now you all know to open your peeps packages several days ahead and let them dry out. They are the best that way-so chewey. Eat them with the mini eggs, yes at the same time. I found those neat big eggs at Winco. I'm sending them in the mail today, to college girls and their guys for E

aster~ All kinds of items are on my kitchen counter this Monday. I'd better get candy in those eggs and get things cleared up. I hope the two girls don't read my post here before the packages arrive in the mail!
Take Care.
MMMMMM peeps
I am loving my Easter goodies (and so is Tanner). I miss Easter at home, especially seeing my fuzzy bunny basket.
I love peeps, but I think I am the only one who likes them soft.
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