Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I Won, I Won, I Won, I Won!!!

Hey, I'm very excited! I finally won a give away! Wahoo. Terri and her dad, as a guest writer, do a great blog. They are at Purple and Paisley, she is forever changing her header, she must be very computer savvy! Not like me. Terri's dad is a crack up!!! Thanks Terri and Terri's Dad! :) Can't wait to get the Quilt Catalog! Thank You Much!
Take Care.
D Spack


Nanette Merrill said...

Congratulations Diane!! Couldn't happen to a better gal. Terri's dad is a hoot, isn't he.

dad said...

Wow !!!! Congratulations to the most excited winner I've ever seen !!! Hope you enjoy your prize !!! (T's Dad)

Purple and Paisley said...

just wondering if you ever got that darn quilt catalog? dad asked me a few days ago about it...=)