I know I need to do a post, BUT it's just easier not to, it's selfish of me, and lazy, really. Plus, I'm still struggling with managing pictures, even after a live tutorial from this
patient girl. I love reading all of your blogs, it is so fun. I should reciprocate. Time is another factor. Doing one blog post takes me too long, longer than it should. After I read from the great list of blogs that I keep tabs on, it's time to
stop staring and start sewing! The patient girl said, "mom, you need to do another blog post." She then gives me ideas of what to post about. In November, after a unique adventure with my son in law (her husband), she said that I should have blogged about it...well yes, it was fun~ the poor kid~went to a rock concert with his mother in law. He and I dashed out the door a little before 9:00 p.m. the night of the COLDPLAY concert in Phoenix, arriving right after they had taken the stage. We had determined what price we would not go above if given the chance to buy tickets from scalpers. Well, we were given that chance, dickered a little, didn't go above the predetermined amount and entered the concert at a very brisk pace! We walked and walked to find our seats, getting closer and closer to the front of the stage! Wow! we had AMAZING seats! By now I was so nervous, hanging onto Travis, he probably thought he was loosing his arm. Coldplay does an amazing show. I've been a fan of theirs for quite a while, so I really loved being able to see them in concert. I think the aunt and patient girl who both opted to stay home, were pretty bummed they hadn't joined us on this adventure. Anyway...back to ideas for blogging...there are many! I will try to be better~~~

This kid has been playing basketball. I snapped this blurry photo at the very end of the very last game right before he went into the locker room. As I'm following the team into the locker room, his teammates were saying, Brett! your mom wants to take your picture! so he turned around. (He already knew, he was just ignoring me!)

My sister and I had a day of hanging out with each other. We went to The Gathering Place in Rupert, Idaho. It is a huge quilting store. Be prepared to be overwhelmed, if you go there. We found a big scrap bin with bags, you know the deal, fill the bag with as many scraps as you can fit into it and buy it for $5.00. We set forth layering and rolling precious pieces(some big) of lovely scraps. We inserted and re-inserted the rolls three times. At one point the bag began to tear. As the saleslady walked by, we cowered a little until she encouraged us to get as many in there as we could
and to get a new bag since it was tearing, which we did. Here you can see all the many scraps that we fit into a lunch size paper bag. Laid 'em out and counted them: 50 different fabrics and 80 3 inch squares already cut! {these figures were jotted down on my In-N-Out Burger hat, where I hope to be able to enjoy a burger again in two weeks, when I go see patient girl and rock concert son in law.} I have just always done a lot scrappy quilting. I was pretty astounded when I learned that quilting fabrics come out in 'lines'. And whew, some of those lines coming out right now are so great!, but I still love scrappy piecing and quilts.
edit: the selvedges in the center and thread were not in the scrap bin, just waiting to be sent to patient girl for her sewing.
Material Girls this month, I received my friendship blocks back from the ladies. This was a favorites request, I asked that the ladies use their favorite fabrics and bring 2
raw edge quilt blocks. They are lovely. Now I'll need to figure out how to put them together in some kind of a quilt!
Take Care.~~~