With both girls gone, I've been relegated to all the decorating for Christmas. This little wooden Nativity is one of my favorites. I have it place on the piano in full view. It was an unfinished project, until two years ago, my friend named Kathy helped me finish the little threesome.
I'm on a Cinnamon Roasted Almonds kick! These little morsels are easy to whip up and nice to have on hand to give in bags tied with sweet ribbon. I love the parchment paper use in making these. So slick to just pick 'em up off the pan and cool, then throw the paper away. Great clean up trick!
While traveling to said graduation, I made these folded paper ornaments. Stolen idea from howaboutorange. They are fun. I don't have them hanging on the tree, just stacked on a cake plate. I wish I could show you every ornament on my tree! They are a collection of 28 years.
There is a story to almost every ornament~they are so cool.

Merry Christmas All!
Take Care~~~