Dana is doing it again but giving away three lovely quilts this time. Wow. Go there, enter and try
to win, but don't really because I WANT to!!!
Take Care.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Christmas Question
Our quilt group is preparing for the Christmas Lunch/Meeting coming up. We are looking for a new idea for an activity, exchange or anything to do that would be fun. Do you ladies have any suggestions of things you've done in your areas? We plan to do a gift exchange, but from there we are open to anything! Thanks.
I am wondering??? Do you ever just have questions going through your head? These are some of mine:
When sewing binding onto the front of the quilt, why does the top layer pucker...I wonder if this happens to other quilters??? hmmm ...how this can be prevented???
Why am I so forgetful? I don't even have that much to think about?
How do/have others handled a 13 year old like the one I have? I wonder if anyone else has challenges like mine, in raising a son???
Are the higher prices of quilting fabric (in the stores) 'getting' to anyone else???
I'm so disappointed that the batting in my bedspread is coming through to the top of the quilt!
to be continued!...
Take Care.
I am wondering??? Do you ever just have questions going through your head? These are some of mine:
When sewing binding onto the front of the quilt, why does the top layer pucker...I wonder if this happens to other quilters??? hmmm ...how this can be prevented???
Why am I so forgetful? I don't even have that much to think about?
How do/have others handled a 13 year old like the one I have? I wonder if anyone else has challenges like mine, in raising a son???
Are the higher prices of quilting fabric (in the stores) 'getting' to anyone else???
I'm so disappointed that the batting in my bedspread is coming through to the top of the quilt!
to be continued!...
Take Care.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Blushing Red

8 things I did yesterday:
~thrifted with my daughter
~traveled home after 3 fun days of "fishing" with family (the fished, I stitched in the motel)
~ate french fries with fry sauce!
~administered aspirin to the Brett meister
~"ran" to the quilting store
~wrapped booty from trip (Steelhead Salmon)
~retired at 1:15 a.m.
8 favorite t.v. shows:
~I don't watch it, but do like Jeopardy
8 things I look forward to:
~gift making on Tuesday
~sewing this week
~Thanksgiving with the Crumps in Phoenix
~the smell of pine next month
~traditional Christmas luncheon with friends
~all home for Christmas next month
~being a Gramma hmmm- someday, I hope
~moving when my guy retires

8 favorite restaurants:
~ don't have, don't love eating out, too particular BUT there are some places I do want to try:
~ Zuppas in Utah
~ this other place in SLC that is across from the Library on 4th south (I think)
~ a fresh taco place in SLC on the east bench
~ a couple of places in Phoenix that I don't know the names of
oh dear - that was LAME!
8 wishes:
this is getting personal! and taking too much time!
~ a Janome
~ debt free (we are almost there!)
~ house remodeling
~ that I could lose 20 pounds
{ I'd better stop here!!!...}
Where is your significant other? YMCA
Your hair color? brown
Your mother? we are opposites
Your father? makes everyone laugh
Your favorite thing? food (dangit!)
Your dream last night? so weird
Your dream goal? I don't dare say!

Your hobby? quilting
Your fear? I don't dare say!
Where do you want to be in 6 years? planning to serve a mission for my church, better do it quick before I loose the energy.
Where were you last night? out on the streets...
What you’re not? high achiever
One of your wish-list items? family safety and happiness
Where you grew up? Ashton, Idaho-literally. In Marriage-figuratively.

What are you wearing? pajama pants and white shirt (I have 7 white tops)
Your TV? off
Your pets? one - have never really been fond of animals
Your computer? a vice
Your mood? tired and cautious
Missing someone? yes
Your car? bugs when not clean

Your summer? ho hum
Love someone? struggle
Your favorite color? green
When is the last time you laughed? today
When is the last time you cried? at church
Take Care~~~
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Black Is Black

This little quilt is a paper pieced project, that was so so fun! If you'll notice, where the seams all come together on the witches hair...there are 8 converging seams at the sides of her head! That BOO pillow was pretty fun to make also.
I've been seeing a really cool black swirly fabric of late. I asked one of the gals at quilt group where it comes from???She gave the needed info(Joanns) ahem and off I went. I picked up 1/2 yard just for me for nothing...you know...stash building. I'd show it, but- man -pictures of fabric is hard enough let alone it be black fabric. Just go look at some swirly black fabric ~you'll know when you see it!
Hope your November 1st has been good~~~ have a good November and get all done that you desire. I'm looking forward to this upcoming holiday, as I get to travel...with my fun brother(all three of them are fun)...south...to Azona...for a week...to 2nd college daughter's house!!!! Maybe she and I should do a giveaway together again! I need to think of new references for my 2 college daughters because they soon will not be. The 1st one (no blog) just passed her master's thesis and all that stuff this week. She will graduate in December with a degree in Environmental Engineering. The 2nd one is already NOT a college daughter, she graduated and is done with internship and exams and is working for a school district in Phoenix. She is in Dietetics and Nutrition. Wow, kids these days, I sure admire these college students and their accomplishments.
Take Care~~
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