May Britt! Congrats to you! We've never sent anything to Norway before! She'll receive: a paper globe, a vintage fat quarter, 4 corner book marks, a 6" ruler, a pack of needles, a table linen embroidery, a pair of handmade earrings and Arizona chocolates. Hope you enjoy the items we send and that the chocolates stay fresh through the long journey. Thanks to everyone for entering our giveaway and sharing your stories with us. We enjoyed learning a little bit more about each of you, a couple of those stories were tear jerkers.

Cactus flowers blossoms are so amazing, they are big and certain, considering what they come from...

We took a hike this evening on Thunderbird Hill. The sun was just disappearing, so pretty up there, we could see almost all of the Valley of the Sun. This morning found us trekking out to Fountains Hills, what a lovely community out there, we saw the highest fountain in the world AND a quilt store!!!!! I purchased a few delicious pieces. Take Care. ~
D Spack~